From: justinp @ [email protected]
(Mar 28, 2004 14:52 CST)
where did you get the driveaxels and cv to fit this monster?
From: naterkane
(May 30, 2004 19:26 CDT)
shortest axel ever.
From: chris
(Sep 22, 2004 17:29 CDT)
the CV joints don't look like there gonna live long at that angle. Or is just that the car is on lift?
From: [email protected]
(Nov 09, 2004 15:15 CST)
move the engine back there is to much cv angle this is very dangerous at this angle they could pop out under load
From: Perle
(Nov 14, 2004 07:28 CST)
Obviously it is on a lift.
From: [email protected]
(Aug 19, 2005 01:04 CDT)
seriously tho.. where'd you get those axles ? custom made ?
From: cws 1
(Sep 03, 2005 13:16 CDT)
As for the axles: Yes they are custom made, by a local machine shop. They have Caddy inners and GTI outers. The car is on a lift in the pic, so they do sit level when the car is on the ground. They angle back about 15 deg. as we could not get the engine back any further without re-engineering the steering geometry. I've been driving the car for 2 years with no axle problems at all. I don't baby it either :) . Cam.