From: david
(Dec 24, 2004 20:06 CST)
what the hell... automatic????!?
From: [email protected]
(Jan 01, 2005 09:21 CST)
ah ... i think he chose auto cause the current manuals out from GM ... well i wouldn't waste the time. with the new G6 coming out though I do think they're going to mate it with a manual ...
From: Concerned
(Feb 27, 2005 15:05 CST)
BAHUMBUG...... AUTOmatic...... GM.... HA.... W8.... Well NOW?
From: cws 1
(Dec 15, 2005 17:41 CST)
Well....YOU build a W8 6 spd Mk2, drive it up here, and I'll give you a go.......I'm waiting........HA!